How it works.

Join the OpenAIRE Monitor service and we will create for you a dashboard to track, understand and position your organization's research activities and their impact, discover and evaluate Open Science trends for your organization and make data-driven decisions. Here's how it works.
  • Are you a Funder?



    Step 1a

    You provide Information about your funded projects and join OpenAIRE.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 2a

    You validate the results and approve for them to be shown on the Explore portal.

    Examine your dashboard and the showcased information to ensure you are satisfied with what you see.

    Step 3a

    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us

    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 4a

    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 5a

    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 1b

    We ingest your project metadata and mine the OpenAIRE Graph.

    We infer links to research results: publications, datasets, software, etc.

    Step 2b

    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3b

    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach, and based on the funded research activities.

    Step 4b

    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5b

    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

  • Are you a Research Initiative?



    Step 1a

    You state your interest in having a research initiative dashboard.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 2a

    You configure the criteria to identify the research products that you want to be accounted for.

    You use the administration dashboard we created for you. If this is not enough, you give us input for the implementation of a customised full-text mining algorithm.

    Step 3a

    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us

    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 4a

    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 5a

    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 1b

    We set up an administration dashboard that you can use to specify which research products of the OpenAIRE Graph are relevant for you.

    If needed, we develop a customized full-text mining algorithm to identify your publications.

    Step 2b

    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3b

    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach.

    Step 4b

    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5b

    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

  • Are you a Research Institution?



    Step 1a

    You state your interest in having an institutional dashboard for your institution.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 2a

    You validate and approve the results.

    You examine your dashboard and the showcased information to ensure you are satisfied with what you see.

    Step 3a

    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us

    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 4a

    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 5a

    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 1b

    Starting from the OpenAIRE Graph we check for existing data for your institution.

    We infer links to research results: publications, datasets, software, etc.

    Step 2b

    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3b

    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach, and based on the institution’s research activities.

    Step 4b

    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5b

    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

How it works.

Join the OpenAIRE Monitor service and we will create for you a dashboard to track, understand and position your organization's research activities and their impact, discover and evaluate Open Science trends for your organization and make data-driven decisions. Here's how it works.
  • Are you a Funder?
    Step 1a
    You provide Information about your funded projects and join OpenAIRE.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 1b
    We ingest your project metadata and mine the OpenAIRE Graph.

    We infer links to research results: publications, datasets, software, etc.

    Step 2a
    You validate the results and approve for them to be shown on the Explore portal.

    Examine your dashboard and the showcased information to ensure you are satisfied with what you see.

    Step 2b
    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3a
    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us
    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 3b
    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach, and based on the funded research activities.

    Step 4a
    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 4b
    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5a
    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 5b
    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

  • Are you a Research Initiative?
    Step 1a
    You state your interest in having a research initiative dashboard.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 1b
    We set up an administration dashboard that you can use to specify which research products of the OpenAIRE Graph are relevant for you.

    If needed, we develop a customized full-text mining algorithm to identify your publications.

    Step 2a
    You configure the criteria to identify the research products that you want to be accounted for.

    You use the administration dashboard we created for you. If this is not enough, you give us input for the implementation of a customised full-text mining algorithm.

    Step 2b
    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3a
    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us
    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 3b
    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach, and based on the institution’s research activities.

    Step 4a
    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 4b
    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5a
    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 5b
    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

  • Are you a Research Institution?
    Step 1a
    You state your interest in having an institutional dashboard for your institution.

    All information is exchanged under confidential agreements and we only make public what you agree on.

    Step 1b
    Starting from the OpenAIRE Research Graph we check for existing data for your institution.

    We infer links to research results: publications, datasets, software, etc.

    Step 2a
    You validate and approve the results.

    You examine your dashboard and the showcased information to ensure you are satisfied with what you see.

    Step 2b
    We present the results to you on our Beta portal.

    We refine until you are happy with the results. We allocate the hardware resources needed to create your dashboard.

    Step 3a
    Through 1-on-1 expert consultations you interact with us
    • to understand any gaps and deviations within the dashboard
    • to verify the data integrity
    • to discuss the addition of any new metrics and indicators that might interest you
    Step 3b
    We produce well-documented visualisations of simple & more advanced composite indicators.

    Aligned with the Open Science principles and following an evidence-based approach, and based on the institution’s research activities.

    Step 4a
    Customise your dashboard and make your own profile.

    Select the metrics of interest to you and the ones you want to publish, to keep private, or to share just with colleagues.

    Step 4b
    We refine until we are happy with the results.

    We present your dashboard to you.

    Step 5a
    Select your team

    And make them collaborators of the service.

    Step 5b
    Notify you about new metrics and indicators

    as we keep enriching the Graph, which you may find useful and add to your profile

Creative-CommonsLicenceUnless otherwise indicated, all materials created by OpenAIRE are licenced under