Indicators for Research Institutions
Indicator | Metric | Analysis by | Remarks |
Production | |||
Research outcome types |
Number of research outcomes |
Trends |
Number of publications over time |
Trends |
Number of datasets over time |
Disciplines | Number of publications by FoS |
Social Impact | Number of publications by SDGs |
Openness | |||
Publication openness trends |
Number of publications over time |
Data openness trends | Number of research data over time |
Disciplines | Most Open FoS (level 2) |
Collaborations | |||
All time |
20 top institution collaborators |
Institution collaborators Trends | Number of institution collaborators over time |
Coming Soon |
Co-funded research outcomes Trends | Co-funded research outcomes |
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Project participations Number of projects granted
- all
- funder
- year
EC project participations Number of EC projects granted - all
- year and FP
Grant-supported research productivity Grant-supported publications - FoS (level 1)
Most productive projects Top 30 projects by number of publications - all
- peer reviewed
Grant-supported research productivity Grant-supported research outputs - funder
- year
Grant-supported research productivity EC Grant-supported research outputs - FP, year
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Project participations Number of FP projects granted
- all
- programme
FP projects trends FP Project participations over time
- all
- programme
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Project participations Number of FP projects granted
- all
- pillar
- programme (top 15 programmes)
- funding scheme
Funding FP project funding
- all
- pillar
- programme (top 15 programmes)
- funding scheme
FP projects trends FP Project participations over time
FP project funding over time
- all
- programme
- total
- project and pillar
Highest funded projects
Top 15 projects by total project funding
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Project participations Number of FP projects granted - all
- programme (top 15 programmes)
- funding scheme
Coming Soon Funding FP project funding - total
- programme (top 15 programmes)
- funding scheme
Coming SoonFP projects trends FP Project participations over time FP project funding over time - all
- programme
- total
- project and pillar
Highest funded projects Top 15 projects by total project funding
Research Output
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Publication production Number of publications
- all
- type
Publication trends Number of publications over time
- all
- type
Publication disciplines
Number of peer-reviewed publications by FoS
Publication data sources Top 15 data sources by number of publications
Productive projects trend (publications) Share of projects that produced publications over time Most productive projects (publications) Top 15 projects by number of produced publications Publication interdisciplinarity
Number of peer-reviewed publications by FoS
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks PR production Number of PR publications
- all
- type
PR trends Number of PR publications over time
- all
- type
PR publishing Top 30 publishers by number of peer-reviewed publications
Top 30 journals by number of peer-review publications
PR disciplines Number of peer-reviewed publications by FoS Productive projects trend (PR) Share of projects that produced peer-reviewed publications over time Most productive projects (PR) Top 15 projects by number of produced peer-reviewed publications -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Dataset production Number of datasets
- all
- type
Dataset trend Number of datasets over time
Dataset data sources Top 15 data sources by number of datasets
Datasets linked to publications Number of datasets linked to publications - all
- FoS of linked publication
- journal of publication (top 15)
Coming soon Productive projects trend (datasets) Share of projects that produced datasets over time Most productive projects (datasets) Top 15 projects by number of produced datasets -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Software production Number of software
Software trend Number of software over time
Software data sources Top 15 data sources by number of software
Software linked to publications Number of software linked to publications - all
- FoS of linked publication
- journal of publication (top 15)
Coming soon Software linked to datasets Number of software linked to datasets Coming soon Productive projects trend (software) Share of projects that produced software over time Most productive projects (software) Top 15 projects by number of produced software -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks ORPs production Number of ORPs
ORPs trend Number of ORPs over time ORPs data sources Top 15 data sources by number of ORPs by repository
Productive projects trend (ORPs) Share of projects that produced ORPs over time Most productive projects (ORPs) Top 15 projects by number of produced ORPs
Open Science
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Openness Institutional openness score (average share of open access research output)
- overall
- year
- FoS
Coming soonFindability Institutional findability score (average share of research output with a PID)
- overall
- year
- FoS
Coming soonFAIRness Institutional “FAIRness” score (average share of research output with metadata completeness)
- overall
- year
- FoS
Coming soon -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Access Rights Publications by access rights Number and share of publications by access rights
- all
- year
- by funder
Open Access Routes Publication open access routes Number and share of publications by open access routes (green, gold, hybrid, bronze)
- all
- funder (top 15 funders)
- by FoS
Publication open access routes trends Number and share of publications by open access routes (green, gold, hybrid, bronze) over time
Published (gold, hybrid, bronze) vs Deposited (green) open access publications over time
Top journals (open access routes) Top 20 journals - number of gold publications
- number of hybrid publications
- number of bronze publications
Top repositories Top 20 Data Sources by number of green publications Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Open access publications by journal business model Number of publications published in a journal that is currently under the following business model
- Full open access with APC
- Diamond
- Transformative
- all
- year
- grant support (funded vs. not funded)
Top journals by journal business model Top 15 journals by number of publications published in a journal that is currently under the following business model
- Full open access with APC
- Diamond
- Transformative
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Publications with APCs Number of publications that paid an APC
Number of publications with an extrapolated APC
APCs Total (extrapolated) APC paid
- all
- journal (top 30 journals)
- FoS
- grant supported vs not grant supported publications
- gold vs hybrid
- plan S funder
Coming soonAPCs trends Total (extrapolated) APC paid
- all
- gold vs hybrid
APCs Average (extrapolated) APC paid per publication
- all
- journal (top 30 journals)
- FoS
- grant supported vs not grant supported publications
- gold vs hybrid
- plan S funder
Coming soonAPCs trends
Average (extrapolated) APC paid per publication over time
- all
- gold vs hybrid
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Peer Reviewed Publications (since 2021) Distribution Number and share of Open Access Peer Reviewed Publications (since 2021):
- in Diamond OA Journal
- Gold OA with APCs
- under Transformative Agreement
- in Transformative Journal
- Other Journals
- all
- year
- access rights
- FoS
- Funder (Top Funders)
Top Plan S Funders Top Plan S Funders by number of Peer Reviewed Publications (since 2021) granted by a Plan S funder
Coming soon Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks FAIRness score (publications) Institutional “FAIRness” score for publications (average share of publications with metadata completeness)
- peer-review status
- year
Coming soon Publications with a PID Number and share of publications with a PID in their metadata
- year
- type of PID
Open access publications with a license Number and share of open access publications with a CC or other type of license in their metadata - year
- type of license
Publications with an ORCID iD Number and share of publications with an ORCID iD in their metadata - year
Publications with an abstract Number and share of publications with an abstract in their metadata - year
Grant-supported publications with a funding reference Number and share of grant-supported publications with a funding reference in their metadata - year
Publications by number of duplicates Number of publications by the number of duplicates/copies found in different data sources ingested in the OpenAIRE Graph -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Datasets by access rights Number and share of datasets by access rights
- all
- year
- funder
- data source (top 20)
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks FAIRness score (datasets) Institutional “FAIRness” score for datasets (average share of datasets with metadata completeness)
- all
- year
Coming soon Datasets with a PID Number and share of datasets with a PID in their metadata
- year
- type of PID
Open access datasets with a license Number and share of open access datasets with a CC or other license in their metadata - year
- type of CC license
Datasets with an ORCID iD Number and share of datasets with an ORCID iD in their metadata - year
Grant-supported datasets with a funding reference Number and share of grant-supported datasets with a funding reference in their metadata - year
Datasets by number of duplicates Number of datasets by the number of duplicates/copies found in different data sources ingested in the OpenAIRE Graph -
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Software by access rights Number and share of software by access rights
- all
- year
- funder
- data source (top 20)
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks FAIRness score (software) Institutional “FAIRness” score for software (average share of software with metadata completeness)
- all
- year
Coming soon Software with a PID Number and share of software with a PID in their metadata
- year
- type of PID
Open source software with a license Number and share of open source software with a CC or other license in their metadata - year
- type of CC license
Software with an ORCID iD Number and share of software with an ORCID iD in their metadata - year
Grant-supported software with a funding reference Number and share of grant-supported software with a funding reference in their metadata - year
Software by number of duplicates Number of software by the number of duplicates/copies found in different data sources ingested in the OpenAIRE Graph
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Project collaborations Number of collaborations with organisations via joint project participation
- all
- collaborating organisations (top 20)
- country of collaborating organisation
Co-funded research output Number of institutional research outputs funded by more than one funder - type (publications, datasets, software, other)
Co-funded research output trend Number of institutional research outputs funded by more than one funder over time
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Co-authored publications Number of collaborations with organisations via co-authored publications
- all
- co-author organisation (top 20)
- country of co-author organisation
- FoS
Coming soonCollaboration index distribution (publications) Distribution of number of authors per publication
Coming soon Collaboration index trend (publications) Average number of authors per publication over time - all
- access rights
Coming soon Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Co-created datasets Number of collaborations with organisations via co-created datasets
- all
- co-creator organisation (top 20)
- country of co-creator organisation
Coming soon Collaboration index distribution (datasets) Distribution of number of creators per dataset
Coming soon Collaboration index trend (datasets) Average number of creators per dataset over time Coming soon Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Co-created software Number of collaborations with organisations via co-created software
- all
- co-creator organisation (top 20)
- country of co-creator organisation
Coming soon Collaboration index distribution (software) Distribution of number of creators per software
Coming soon Collaboration index trend (software) Average number of creators per software over time Coming soon
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Total publication downloads trends Total number of publication downloads
- all
- year of publication
- year of download
- year of download and access rights
- year of download and open access route
- year of download and abstract availability in metadata
- FoS
Average downloads per publication trends Average number of downloads per publication
- all
- year of publication
- year of download
- year of download and access rights
- year of download and open access route
- year of download and abstract availability in metadata
- FoS
Top journals (downloads) Top 30 journals by number of publication downloads from repositories Top FoS (downloads) Most downloaded FoS (level 20) Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks Total citations trends
Total number of citations
- all
- year
- access rights
- open access route
- FoS
- funder (top funders)
- publisher (top publishers)
- journal (top journals)
Average citations per publication trends
Average number of citations per publication
- all
- year
- access rights
- open access route
- FoS
- funder (top funders)
- publisher (top publishers)
- journal (top journals)
Indicator Metric Analysis by Remarks SDGs coverage
Number of publications
- all
- related to an SDG
Publications related to an SDG
Number of publications by SDGs
- access rights
- open acces route
- FoS
Publications related to an SDG trends
Number of publications related to an SDG over time
- all
- type
Publications related to an SDG disciplinarity
Number of publications related to an SDG by FoS
APCs for Publications related to an SDG
APCs paid for publications related to an SDG
- total APCs
- average APCs per publication
Publications related to an SDG citation
Citations for publications related to an SDG
- total citations
- average citations per publication
Publications related to an SDG downloads Downloads for publications related to an SDG
- total downloads
- average downloads per publication